Friday, December 6, 2013

Paperback 725: The Case of the Lazy Lover / Erle Stanley Gardner (Pocket Books 909)

Paperback 725: Pocket Books 909 (1st ptg, 1952)

Title: TCOT the Lazy Lover
Author: Erle Stanley Gardner
Cover artist: Clyde Ross

Yours for: $7


Best things about this cover:
  • That dude has my ultimate respect. That is some top-notch lazy. Superfly PJs. Highball. Slippers. Smart green couch. He knows what he's doing.
  • That look in her eye is not lust. It's not annoyance. It's jealousy. Jealousy of his Red Hot Lazy.
  • I can't stop looking at her boobs, and yet I don't find them very interesting. What the hell?


Best things about this back cover:
  • That "Gossip … / and Murder!" heading would look great on a t-shirt.
  • Hmmm. I'm not sure we have the same definition of "crazy punchline."
  • What does it mean to be "lazy about making love"? I'm quite sure the images in my head do not match whatever happens in this book.

Page 123~

Mason took the pass Lieutenant Tragg scribbled, and went over to the detention ward. After a ten minute wait, he was taken in to see Mrs. Allred, who had quite evidently been aroused from a sound sleep and had had no opportunity to put on her make-up.

Wow. That must've been really hard on Mason.


[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Tumblr]


DemetriosX said...

Maybe it's just the scan or the art, but those slippers look like they have a rather respectable heel. Closer to pumps. Obviously she's annoyed that he took her shoes.

"Making love" here probably means wooing, so he's just a not very attentive boyfriend. But I would have thought 1952 was after the point where the phrase had transformed into a euphemism for sex.

As for the quote, I can't imagine that there was ever a time when a jail let female prisoners wear or even have makeup.

NomadUK said...

"Making love" here probably means wooing[…]. But I would have thought 1952 was after the point where the phrase had transformed into a euphemism for sex.

Well, Kirk lets Spock have it with 'And you've got the gall to make love to that girl!' in 'This Side of Paradise', when it's not clear that Spock's been doing more than courting and smooching … so, not clear that they'd moved beyond that meaning even by 1966.